Our Board of Directors and Administration are deeply committed to Graceworks Lutheran Services and the communities we nurture, grow and develop throughout our service areas.
Mary G. Adams
Ann S. Baines
Dr. Lora Cox-Vance
Daniel P. Driskell
Mark S. Feuer
Dr. Eric A. High
Tawanna S. Jones
Eugene H. Long
Tawanna S. Jones
Eugene H. Long
Rev. John T. Mittermaier
Kevin S. Nels
Thomas R. Petrovic
Teresa A. Quick
Mose J. Richardson, Jr.
Steven R. Sutermeister
Mari E. Townsend
Judy Budi, President & CEO
Bob Reichard, Vice-President, Finance
Dawn Barhorst, Vice-President, Human Resources
Jackie D’Aurora, Vice-President, Marketing and Advancement